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Yorkshire man wakes up Irish after brain surgery

A Yorkshire man woke up from brain surgery to find he’d turned from a flat vowelled, thrifty dalesman into a blarney kissing, ‘Danny Boy’ singing, happy-go-lucky Dubliner.

The Daily Mail reports that 30 year old Chris Gregory spent three days on life support, after a blood vessel in his brain ruptured. While the staff were relieved to see him come round, they were non-plussed when he opened his mouth and began speaking in a broad Irish accent.

The Register

Filed under: Odd News

3 Responses

  1. boomergrl49 says:

    Wow! How cool!

  2. floyd says:

    I knew you would get a blast out of this one.

  3. Emperor Ming says:

    Funny old world. I once woke up as an Englishman, but then I set out upon galactic conquest

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